Regulations & Health & Safety
Athletics New Zealand - Competition Regulations
Athlete education seminars may be offered and will be advertised on an open-to-all basis.
It is the sole responsibility of the athlete (and, if applicable, their coach) to fully understand and comply with the rules of our sport.
Takapuna Athletics - Health and Safety
All club members aged under 14 years must have a parent or a guardian/caregiver present at all club activities the athlete attends and is responsible for that person or persons at all times.
Non-attendance of a parent/nominated guardian or caregiver may result in an athlete being excluded from club activities for safety reasons.
Athletics is a complex sport and in both competition and training, and an arena has many hazards.
Athletes, officials and spectators need to study the below list (which is not definitive as there may be other dangers present).
Members are bound by the rules of the club and verbal or written instructions by Club Committee members and/or Club Committee delegates at any given.
On the Track
Beware of running athletes when you cross the track.
Please keep infants away from in field areas.
Please be silent in marshalling area.
You must remain in your lane on finishing a race and return to the finishing line and wait for your placing or time.
In the Field
Field event areas (particularly throwing events) areas can be very DANGEROUS.
Only competitors in a scheduled field event should be in the vicinity of the throwing area when an event is in progress.
Keep away from throwing areas - the release area and the landing arcs - unless participating as a competitor or official.
Parents and spectators are to remain behind the track perimeter hoardings as best as practicable to minimise the risk of injury.
Please walk around the outside of the track and then cross the track to access the field event marshalling area.
Keep out of the centre of the in field to avoid walking near or into field event areas.
Do not throw implements back; roll or carry them.
Keep away from jumping run-ups; take special care when crossing them.
Stay out of the long jump landing pits.
Do not use a rake or spade in a sandpit when any athlete is performing a run-up or jump.
Do not leave throwing implements, rakes, brooms, spades, etc unattended, as injuries may be caused by inappropriate use​​​​​​.​​​​​​​​
In the event of an accident a first aid kit is stored in the clubroom office.
For immediate medical assistance, please approach the club night Announcer who will call emergency services.
All accidents must be reported to a club night Announcer for entry in the club Accident Register, which is held in the clubroom office.
Spikes may only be worn during competition by athletes in Grades 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 plus Seniors and Masters section athletes.
Spikes must be removed after each event.
Please ensure all access ways are kept clear. We can not hold club night if an access area is blocked (for emergency reasons).
​​​​​​​Sun Protection
Club members and supporters are urged to be sensible in wearing protection from the sun, e.g. good quality sunscreens, and hats.
This will minimise painful sunburn and lessen the risk of developing skin cancer.
Use of Drugs in Sport
Takapuna Athletics fully supports measures to eliminate use of performance enhancing drugs or procedures in sport
In this, we follow the rules of the IAAF, New Zealand Olympic Committee and Athletics New Zealand.
The club has never encouraged or condoned the use of performance enhancing drugs or procedures by its members.
In the event of any of its members being found to have committed an offence in the use of banned substances or procedures, after the due process of hearings, which apply, it will impose sanctions in accordance with IAAF and Athletics New Zealand rules.
In addition, for any established offence involving use of anabolic steroids, human growth hormones or Erythropoietin or other defined substances and procedures in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the IAAF prohibited substances, the club will impose a ban of membership for life.
Such a life ban will apply to the athlete and coach who were knowingly involved in the offence, but will not apply to any proven exceptional circumstances including genuine medical use of any of the substances in the banned substances schedule.