Grade (Age) Convenors
Each season we need twelve Grade (Age) Convener's across our Grades 7 to 13, 14+ (clustered) to help out on club nights and communicate information about upcoming events and competitions.
Each grade (or cluster of grades) requires two convenors – one for each female and male grade/s.
A school term-based roster system will be used so Grade Convenors’ time commitment is shared fairly across our member families throughout the season.
Why do we need grade convenors?
We are all excited to get our athletes involved in club night events as well as Auckland interclub and championship competitions.
We want to ensure every athlete has an amazing experience and builds a love for Athletics and friendships that will last a lifetime.
We are a club of volunteers and we would love your help with one of our grade groups on club nights and to communicate information about upcoming events and competitions.
As parents we know you all take an interest in your child’s progress, know their peers, and the other parents you get to know as the season moves forward.
Grade convenors help ensure our club night programmes efficiently and that all our athletes are included, know what to do, and are having fun. They also help new members and their families become more familiar with how club nights and athletics competitions operate.

Who can be a grade convenor
Any parent/guardian of a club member (or members) within each grade group/s in either boys and/or girls.
Grade Convenors will be someone our athletes and their parents/guardians will see regularly and engage with at club nights.

What would you need to do
Introduce yourself to the parents/guardians and athletes of your selected grade group on club nights and by email and/or phone.
Be approachable to parents/guardians and answer questions they may have or refer them to a committee member.
Engage with the parents/guardians to understand availability for events and let them know which events their child/athlete has been selected for.
Provide information to parents on the event, e.g. venue location, date, and arrival time.
Provide your email and phone number for parents to contact should their athlete be sick or injured when required for competition.
Ensure you have a complete team, the selected athletes have transport to the venue, they turn up on time and with the correct club uniform.
Where you can, attend and support the athletes on competition day. However, you don’t have to attend all competitions, as long as the athlete/team has all the information and you have a complete team, your job is done!
If you can attend on competition days, take our athletes to the start of their event at the venue, give them lots of encouragement so they feel confident, prepared, and most importantly - have fun!
How will we support you
Provide you with a list of athlete names, parents, and contact details in your grade group.
Provide you with a list of the committee members and their contact details, and contact details of other Grade Convenors (this information will also be listed on the club’s website and FB page).
Provide you with the necessary support training and information for you to help your grade group on club nights (if/when necessary) and for events and competitions.
Provide you with timely information about upcoming events and competitions for you to share and coordinate with your grade group.
In advance of events and competitions, the committee will:
Select all representative teams (including reserve athlete/s). Provide you with information on the team/s, running order, venue location, date, and arrival time.
​​​​​​​Liaise with you about how the team performed, seek photos for posting on our website and FB page, and listen to your feedback and ideas on how best to improve your experience as a Grade Convenor.
If you feel you can help this season and there is a grade group (or groups) currently without a convenor, please add your name and contact details here.